Symbolic Geometric Algebra Package

Hybridc is a Mathematica package to manipulate paravectors and paramatrices in the algebra $G_{3,1}$.

Data is input in Mathematica input format, and is output in a format consistent to that used by somebody using pen and paper. The package implements paravectors (combination of a scalar and a vector) and 2x2 paramatrices (a 2x2 matrix of paravectors). There are routines for addition, multiplication, conjugation, reversion, etc. One can take determinants, take scalar and vector parts. As much as possible, the package strives to return results in a way most easily understood by the user. The objective was to allow the manipulation of elements of $G_{3,1}$ directly instead of its components. The package is copyrighted by Gordon Erlebacher (Florida State University, Florida, USA) and Garrett Sobczyk (Universidad de las Americas, Puebla, MX). We would appreciate it if any changes made to the program be communicated back to the authors. The software is free for use and distribution.